Influence at Scale.


What People Are Saying

Our strategy and results resonate with medtech leaders and physicians.

"Omar's digital sales strategy put 35 deals within 60 days on our board. Some of those were with healthcare's largest health systems and most prestigious academic centers." 

Joe Urban

CEO - Potrero Medical

"This program is what surgeons want to see as it teaches sales reps how to engage and influence physicians using LinkedIn in a meaningful way."

Ira Kirschenbaum, MD

Chair, Orthopaedics - BronxCare Health

"As a student of the Medical Sales Network Effects Program, I have to recommend this to everyone to not just upgrade your skills but to change your position in the market vs. your competition.

Jim Surek

VP of Sales (Medtronic, Boston Scientific)

Launch Plan

A step-by-step playbook to help you launch strategies that help persuade at scale.

Group Coaching

Learn from live group coaching calls and a growing library of content with the latest tactics.

 Private VIP Network 

Be part of a growing private community where you can connect with others and even get discovered by CEOs, VPs, or executive recruiters.

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Whether you have questions about a course or the content, we're here to help.

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